Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Highlighting Scientologists in Action
I just heard from some friends who just got back from the Freewinds motor vessel that there is some incredible news in the events that are being shown in the orgs (Scientology churches) over the next few weeks.
I always love hearing what David Miscavige has to say, but my favorite subject is the work on the grassroots level to help people using Scientology tech -- whether it is the Scientology Volunteer Ministers or people using Dianetics to help their neighbors, or kids staying off drugs because of the Scientology anti-drug campaign.
My friends assured me that there's lots of good news like that.
My friend lives in Clearwater and told me there's great news about the Church of Scientology of Tampa, but wouldn't say anything else. So I guess I'll just have to go see it myself (was planning on doing so anyway).
Some people have asked me why I sign my blog VMs in India.It's pretty clear I am not in India.
(although I am a Scientology Volunteer Minister by the way)
The reason is because right after the tsunami I wanted to do something to support my friends who went to help handle the devastation in India, so I turned this into a VMs in India blog.
Then, after a few months, there didn't seem to be enough news to continue that way so I started blogging about others things that interest me.
But I keep my eye on what VMs in India are doing and try to keep the blog updated with information on that when I can.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Many people have questions about the relationship between Citizens Commission on Human Rights and the Scientology religion. I found this interesting clarification at the Frequently Asked Questions section of the CCHR web site that explains it:
Is CCHR part of the Church of Scientology?
CCHR is an independent organization. It comprises members of the Church of Scientology and many other people of various denominations, faiths and cultural beliefs. Scientologists are not unique in their view that psychiatry is harmful. People from all walks of life are concerned about the destructive impact of psychiatry on society. They work with CCHR to do something effective about it. CCHR’s Board of Advisors—called “Commissioners”—include prominent doctors, lawyers, artists, educators, businessmen, civil and human rights representatives and professionals who see it as their duty to “expose and help abolish any and all physically damaging practices in the field of mental health.”
We are proud to have been founded by the Church of Scientology, which has a long and impressive history of human rights achievements. CCHR members work closely with Church members on social reform issues and consult with the Church’s social reform or human rights departments.