
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Scientology Volunteer Minister helps Haiti Survivor

There's a great story in the New Haven Register on a Haitian amputee whose life was saved by a Scientology Volunteer Minister. :

Click to enlarge

NEW HAVEN — Five months ago, Ralph Gedeon was lying trapped beneath a pile of rubble when the engineering college he attended in Port-au-Prince toppled in the 7.0 earthquake that hit the island nation.

His leg was crushed and several organs were failing when his father, after digging for a day and a half, rescued Gedeon from the tumbled remnants.

Miraculously, on Sunday, the earthquake survivor stood on two legs — one of them a prosthetic — and packed his bags as he prepared to leave the Sister Ann Virginie Grimes Rehabilitation Center on Chapel Street.>>

David Miscavige once described the attitude of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers as giving indiscriminate help. The work of this volunteer was real heroism.

Meet a Scientologist!

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Scientologists talking about Scientology

A number of Scientologists are interviewed about why they are Scientologists and what they get out of it personally, how the use it in life.

The video, along with hundreds more, is on the Scientology site.

Meet a Scientologist!

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Watch those kicks!

I think these on-the-set videos of Tom Cruise and Carmen Diaz are so cute. Here's one with them playing soccer. They're GOOD!

Meet a Scientologist!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scientology Volunteer Ministers at the Haiti Flag Day Parade 2010 

Video of the celebration in Haiti on Flag Day last month. There are more than 600 new Scientology Volunteer Ministers groups in the country now, and the members are giving trauma relief to thousands in the IDP camps every day. The Haitians are the most resilient and spiritual people.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers program was created by L. Ron Hubbard in 1976 and greatly expanded by Scientology leader David Miscavige after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to bring Scientology help everywhere and anywhere.
Meet a Scientologist!

Meet Scientology Volunteer Minister Ayal Lindeman

The video below was taken at a special presentation for Scientology Volunteer Ministers returned from Haiti in Feburary 2010. Many of them have gone back for a second or third round of service in Haiti. There is a lot of news on the Haiti VMs on the VM blog.

This whole program was developed in 1976 by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. In the wake of 9/11, David Miscavige greatly expanded the scope of the program, which now includes Goodwill Tours throughout the world.

Meet a Scientologist!

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Scientology Website explains the role of the Scientology Minister

The Scientology website has a new section where they describe the role of the Scientology minister in the community and society.

Scientology ministers act to ease suffering and provide counsel and support to those in need, whether a member of their congregation or simply someone in the community who may need help. In fact, one cannot function as a Scientology minister without a genuine and overriding desire to help others, whether to ease current suffering or to help people advance up The Bridge.>>

L. Ron Hubbard had the Scientology Handbook compiled to provide people of any faith or background with tools they can use to help their families, friends and community. Mr. David Miscavige, ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion, regularly briefs Scientologists of the work of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers at international briefings, held throughout the year.

Meet a Scientologist!

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Monday, June 07, 2010

Today: Scientology Volunteer Ministers

Who are the Scientology Volunteer Ministers?

The Volunteer Minister (VM) program was launched more than thirty years ago, in response to an appeal by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Noting a tremendous downturn in the level of ethics and morality in society, and a consequent increase in drugs and crime, Mr. Hubbard wrote, "If one does not like the crime, cruelty, injustice and violence of this society, he can do something about it. He can become a VOLUNTEER MINISTER and help civilize it, bring it conscience and kindness and love and freedom from travail by instilling into it trust, decency, honesty and tolerance."

Accordingly, in addition to traveling to wherever disaster strikes, Volunteer Ministers work with public servants in their own communities, helping to improve conditions right at home. Their information and training centers are bright yellow tents open to the public at weekend events and fairs, where anyone may enroll on a course or seminar that is delivered right in the tent.

Extensive information displays present the full array of tools for resolving any situation—from rescuing failing students or getting addicts off drugs, to alleviating emotional trauma of physical injuries, salvaging troubled relationships or solving human conflicts.

Volunteer Ministers also deliver seminars to police, firemen and disaster relief organizations with local community programs as well as through Goodwill Tours traveling from city to city with their tents.

So whether manning a tent at home or in a village 10,000 miles away, Scientology Volunteer Ministers all live by the same motto: "Something Can Be Done About It."

Because of their courage, compassion and training, they have become indispensable in times of greatest human need-traveling halfway around the world to help people who have lost everything in an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane, flood or the like.

This includes a corps hundreds strong at Ground Zero within hours of the 9/11 tragedy. It also includes more than 500 volunteers from 11 nations in Southeast Asia in the wake of the tsunami and over 900 Volunteer Ministers attending to victims in Louisiana and Mississippi in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Likewise, during the Haiti earthquake disaster, the Church of Scientology and its parishioners flew in planeloads of much-needed medical and food supplies. In addition, they have brought in hundreds of medical professionals and Volunteer Ministers to help Haitians cope with their losses and rebuild their lives.

Volunteer Ministers have also trained and partnered with over 500 different groups, organizations and agencies around the world, including the Red Cross, FEMA, National Guard, Army Cadets, Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, Rotary Clubs, civil defense and disaster management agencies, YMCAs, police and fire departments of dozens of cities and towns and hundreds more national and regional groups and organizations.

More information about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers at www.volunteerministers.org

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